Free software

Free Software (also known as open source software, or FOSS) is software that users are free to use and modify as they choose. Usually, it is free for the download. First appearing in the early 1990s, today free software is used by millions of people around the world, and runs most of the Internet. LibreOffice and Calibre, which this book is centered on, are two of the most popular examples of free software currently in use.

LibreOffice is an alternative to Microsoft Office. Writer, LibreOffice’s word processor, is heavily based on styles, which make converting to EPUB from its files easier. LibreOffice is available for Linux, macOS, and Windows from:

Calibre is best-known as an ebook manager. Using Calibre, you can read ebooks, transfer them to an ebook reader, and find other ebooks online.

Less well-known is the fact that Calibre contains all the tools you need to design ebooks, including – as a last resort – an editor for making manual corrections.You can download Calibre for Linux, macOS, or Windows from: